Monday, October 09, 2006

Hi Friends :)

WOW, what a gorgeous weekend it was here! The sun was shinning and everything. I even spent some time at the beach on Saturday which was awesome. It was a bit windy but I didn't care becuase I got to go to the beach :)

The past 2 weeks have been pretty interesting. Work is still pretty much the same. I am driving the van now, which is fun but a bit scary becuase people drive just about as crazy as LA and in an unfamiliar city it makes things a bit more nervewrecking. I am still loving it here at the pantry. This week is a home delievery week so I will be busy with that for most of the week which is good.

This weekend is our fall retreat in Dubuque, Iowa. The communities from Pontiac and Detroit and some of Milwaukee and maybe Cleveland are coming on Thursday night to stay and then we are all going to caravan to the retreat. It cuts most of their drives in half so we decided to host all of these amazing people. It should be very, very interesting. I am excited to see everyone though. We have seen the Milwaukee community only once since orientation and have been in touch with the Pontiac community but that is about it so it will be great to see everyone. I am really excited for the retreat too. It is the Social Jusitce retreat led by Jesuit Jim! He is a great guy and I am really looking forward to learning from him. Please keep us all in your prayers as we share this time together!

This weekend Stacey and I went to a Loyola of Chicago Vollyball game. Stac played volleyball all through HS and College and she was so excited to go and see a game. We had a lot of fun! Loyola is only about 5 blocks East of our apartment so Shane, our Jesuit support person, was able to get us passes to the rec center at Loyola so now I will have some where to work out! I am so excited! On Sunday Stacey and I woke up early and went to Mass at St. Gertrude's which was nice but a tad bit too early, we went to 8:00 Mass. Stacey isn't Catholic, she grew up Lutheran and went to a non-denominational college and she found a community church which is only a few blocks away called the Devon Church. I went with her 2 weeks ago and loved it. It was the equaivalent of a praise and worship to me and that was great so I went with her again this Sunday and met more of the congregation and praised and worshiped, it was great! I have decided that I want to get involved at St. Gerturude's with their youth program so after we get back from retreat I'm going to see what I can do to get that set up. I feel that after the retreat it will be really official that Chicago is my new home. I don't know why it feels like that, but it does! I am going to start volunteering at a local soup kitchen too, its going to be great!

I have been reading a lot lately due to all of my down time and have discovered 2 amazing books that I have recently finished that I would like to share with you. One is called, Left to Tell. It is about Imaculee's time experiencing the genocide in Rwanda. It is a very moving book, the faith she has in God is incredible and powerful, it will inspire you, I guarantee it. Another one I finished this weekend is called, Under the Overpass, Stacey recommended it to me and I am so glad she did. It is about Mike and Sam from California who decide that they want to experince what it is like to be homeless. This is another powerful faith journey that these two young men take together, it too will insipre you. If you have any spare time (HAHA, i know!) I really recommend them to you, you will be changed and your heart and mind will be opened.

I am so grateful that I get to share my experience with you, if there is anything in particular you would like to hear about or know about please let me know, you can email me at and let me know!

I was blessed with some amazing conversations this weekend with Melissa, a good high school friend, Mar-my peanut butter and Joe, my rock...thank you for being amazing people and being there for me and praying for me. I love you all!

I miss everyone so much and would love to hear from you :) Keep us in your prayers as the days get colder and on our retreat this weekend,

With Love and Blessings always,


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