Hi friends :) wow has it been a LONG time since I have updated here. I thought I might have more time to update it since I have my computer here with me now but it seems I have had less and less time these days. A lot has been going on here in Chicago and in my life. Where to start…
Christmas break was AMAZING, I was so happy to be home and surrounded by family and familiar people, places and smiles. It is easy to get wrapped up in the superficial ness of the Christmas season which I felt like I was shopping down on Michigan Avenue and the magnificent mile but being back home brought me back. Just to be brought back to the familiarity reminded me of the joy and love of Christmas time. I enjoyed every moment I was there. I am sad that I didn’t get to see everyone up in LA but in time I will get there. I hope everyone’s Christmas and New Year was amazing too.
So lets see, back to JV life, it was a hard transition from home back the Chicago but here is what has been going on…
Community life was rocky and has been rocky as I am sure you have figured out have been expressing over these past few months. It is still not going as I think we would all like but things are slowly getting better in my opinion.
We had our winter retreat on Jan 19-23 which was mostly based on community. We started off the weekend with a speaker talking to us about prayerful discernment as we begin the last half of this year. It was really helpful to hear what he had to say and we had time to reflect and begin our discernment process by asking for direction and seeking God’s guidance through these next 7 months. I still have no idea what to do or in which direction I am going but it is a start! The rest of the retreat was based on community. We had a former JV couple and their 2 children, adorable girl and boy, spend the retreat weekend with us sharing their experiences with us. They talked to us about expectations and working through expectations and where to find God in the midst of everything that is going on with everyone personally and at work and where we find God in community in those times. We had one on one time with each other, Stacey and I each spent 45 minutes with Dave and Kev having intentional conversations which were really beneficial. Dave and I talked about some issues he was working through, he had an emotional weekend so I was glad that I could help him and be there, we grew a lot together that weekend. Kev and I had a good conversation too, we talked about relationships in general and about where we felt we were as a community and a few other things, it was just nice to have a real conversation with him. A lot of times we all small talk at home but don’t really have deep conversations with each other. We get home from work at different times and then eat dinner and converse over dinner but after dinner we get ready for bed, it’s sad. We also talked about challenging ourselves more, becoming more involved in our community, simplifying our lives more and having simplicity challenges and things like that. We were all gung-ho at retreat and then for a little bit after but then we fall out of that “retreat high”, (you know what I’m talking about) and it becomes just talk and no action. That is the most frustrating feeling; I know we all want to do these things but finding times and ways seems to be a challenge. I was looking back in my journal from orientation in August and I had defined what I wanted our community to be like it was something like, “a community who supports each other, prays together, laughs together, has fun together, does service together, learns about social justice together and loves together” I laughed after I read this because these things seem so far off now. We are definitely a support system for each other which is key but I feel like all these other things should fall into place but they haven’t yet. Please continue to pray for us and for these things, thank you!
On a little bit of a lighter note, work is fabulous! I love it. I have expanded the home delivery program to exceed my goals thus far which is fabulous. In January we delivered to 144 clients total compared to the 125 when I first started. The volunteer pool has drastically increased as well this is extremely helpful. We are starting new procedures for the program so some of the volunteers who have been volunteering for a while are a bit frustrated, they do not really like the changes but life goes on. The Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) is requiring that we have all clients sign a PROXY form. The in-pantry clients are required to sign in at the intake desk every time they pick up food and we are required by GCFD to keep records of everyone we give food to. They found out that we had 144 clients we were delivering to and freaked out so now we have to implement this program too. It is going to be a rocky start but I’m optimistic, we’ll see how it goes! We are currently planning our annual volunteer appreciation party which has been fun. I get to help with the logistics and making the invitation and doing the RSVP’s, it’s a lot of fun. In March we have our annual fundraiser this year it is “Swing into Spring”. We will have a live band and someone teaching the guests how to swing dance. It is going to be a lot of fun, Stacey, Dave, Kev and I will be volunteering at the event, I am going to try to recruit the Milwaukee house to come down and help too! All in all things at Lakeview Pantry are fantastic!
I find myself asking a lot of questions as I am seeing people everyday that go without food. Food is such a basic necessity it boggles my mind that so many people go without or very little. We live in the “great” Country and we are the “powerhouse” of the world but we have people who cannot afford shelter, food, drink, and the basic human rights that every person is entitled to. So what do I do about that? As one person I can only do so much but have a hard time trying to find a balance. Some days I want to march myself over to the White House and give President Bush a piece of my mind and others I just want to stay in bed and cry all day for these people. Other days I feel that no matter what I do things are not changing so why bother. I am constantly asking why I am in this program, why am I here in Chicago, what is this leading me to? Often times I feel lost and confused and am just waiting for answers and feel like they are never coming. My conversations with God often consist of these questions and asking for answers. Sometimes I wish the answers would fall from the sky and knock me off of my feet, but that would be too easy. I have learned to take each day as it comes and the answers will hopefully be unveiled to me. I continue to ask God for patience and guidance and fully trust that whatever path I am on is his will and I will try to patiently follow and give everyday to him and his goodness and glory.
Meanwhile, the Bears are in the Super bowl and the hype in this city is ridiculous. Everyday there are numerous sections in the newspaper about the bowl and Bears, it is seriously annoying. I must say I can’t help but jump on the bandwagon and root the Bears on though, I don’t think I really have a choice. All I can say is GO BEARS!
Does anyone have any good books they are reading lately? Any recommendation, I would like to start reading books people recommend to me. I am almost done with The Pursuit of Happyness, great book. I have not seen the movie but plan to when it comes out on DVD. Maryann gave me Mitch Albums (sp) new book, For One More Day, I finished it in about a day. It was really good too. Tell me your favorites, I’ll check them out!
Oh some good music artists to check out too, Shawn McDonald, Ally Rogers, Danielle Rose, Ginny Owens. Stacey had introduced me to a few of these artists and a few are my favorites. They are Christian music artists and some of their songs speak to me, they are great. I can’t remember tracks or song names; I am surprised that I can remember the artists’ names actually. One of my all time favorites is “Shelter Your Name” by Danielle Rose, it is beautiful. It is a reminder of God’s love, goodness and Glory. It reminds me to have an open mind and to trust in God always. Check them out though some of the songs have really helped me get through tough times, music moves and speaks to me more than I ever though, it is powerful.
I hope everyone is well. I think about you often and keep you in my thoughts and prayers always. I miss everyone so much especially as the weather reaches negative degrees with wind chill. Why did I choose Chicago again? God only knows! I’m freezing, seriously. I am wearing 2 sweatshirts a long sleeve, undershirt and tank top with a blanket wrapped around me and I still have chills. It is impossible to get warm. I heard it snowed in Malibu though, strange. Send that warm sun this way and remember if you are ever even passing through Chicago please let me know! I will come and give you a quick hug at the airport.
Lots of love, big bear hugs, smooches and never ending blessings to you xoxoxoxoxo
Christmas break was AMAZING, I was so happy to be home and surrounded by family and familiar people, places and smiles. It is easy to get wrapped up in the superficial ness of the Christmas season which I felt like I was shopping down on Michigan Avenue and the magnificent mile but being back home brought me back. Just to be brought back to the familiarity reminded me of the joy and love of Christmas time. I enjoyed every moment I was there. I am sad that I didn’t get to see everyone up in LA but in time I will get there. I hope everyone’s Christmas and New Year was amazing too.
So lets see, back to JV life, it was a hard transition from home back the Chicago but here is what has been going on…
Community life was rocky and has been rocky as I am sure you have figured out have been expressing over these past few months. It is still not going as I think we would all like but things are slowly getting better in my opinion.
We had our winter retreat on Jan 19-23 which was mostly based on community. We started off the weekend with a speaker talking to us about prayerful discernment as we begin the last half of this year. It was really helpful to hear what he had to say and we had time to reflect and begin our discernment process by asking for direction and seeking God’s guidance through these next 7 months. I still have no idea what to do or in which direction I am going but it is a start! The rest of the retreat was based on community. We had a former JV couple and their 2 children, adorable girl and boy, spend the retreat weekend with us sharing their experiences with us. They talked to us about expectations and working through expectations and where to find God in the midst of everything that is going on with everyone personally and at work and where we find God in community in those times. We had one on one time with each other, Stacey and I each spent 45 minutes with Dave and Kev having intentional conversations which were really beneficial. Dave and I talked about some issues he was working through, he had an emotional weekend so I was glad that I could help him and be there, we grew a lot together that weekend. Kev and I had a good conversation too, we talked about relationships in general and about where we felt we were as a community and a few other things, it was just nice to have a real conversation with him. A lot of times we all small talk at home but don’t really have deep conversations with each other. We get home from work at different times and then eat dinner and converse over dinner but after dinner we get ready for bed, it’s sad. We also talked about challenging ourselves more, becoming more involved in our community, simplifying our lives more and having simplicity challenges and things like that. We were all gung-ho at retreat and then for a little bit after but then we fall out of that “retreat high”, (you know what I’m talking about) and it becomes just talk and no action. That is the most frustrating feeling; I know we all want to do these things but finding times and ways seems to be a challenge. I was looking back in my journal from orientation in August and I had defined what I wanted our community to be like it was something like, “a community who supports each other, prays together, laughs together, has fun together, does service together, learns about social justice together and loves together” I laughed after I read this because these things seem so far off now. We are definitely a support system for each other which is key but I feel like all these other things should fall into place but they haven’t yet. Please continue to pray for us and for these things, thank you!
On a little bit of a lighter note, work is fabulous! I love it. I have expanded the home delivery program to exceed my goals thus far which is fabulous. In January we delivered to 144 clients total compared to the 125 when I first started. The volunteer pool has drastically increased as well this is extremely helpful. We are starting new procedures for the program so some of the volunteers who have been volunteering for a while are a bit frustrated, they do not really like the changes but life goes on. The Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) is requiring that we have all clients sign a PROXY form. The in-pantry clients are required to sign in at the intake desk every time they pick up food and we are required by GCFD to keep records of everyone we give food to. They found out that we had 144 clients we were delivering to and freaked out so now we have to implement this program too. It is going to be a rocky start but I’m optimistic, we’ll see how it goes! We are currently planning our annual volunteer appreciation party which has been fun. I get to help with the logistics and making the invitation and doing the RSVP’s, it’s a lot of fun. In March we have our annual fundraiser this year it is “Swing into Spring”. We will have a live band and someone teaching the guests how to swing dance. It is going to be a lot of fun, Stacey, Dave, Kev and I will be volunteering at the event, I am going to try to recruit the Milwaukee house to come down and help too! All in all things at Lakeview Pantry are fantastic!
I find myself asking a lot of questions as I am seeing people everyday that go without food. Food is such a basic necessity it boggles my mind that so many people go without or very little. We live in the “great” Country and we are the “powerhouse” of the world but we have people who cannot afford shelter, food, drink, and the basic human rights that every person is entitled to. So what do I do about that? As one person I can only do so much but have a hard time trying to find a balance. Some days I want to march myself over to the White House and give President Bush a piece of my mind and others I just want to stay in bed and cry all day for these people. Other days I feel that no matter what I do things are not changing so why bother. I am constantly asking why I am in this program, why am I here in Chicago, what is this leading me to? Often times I feel lost and confused and am just waiting for answers and feel like they are never coming. My conversations with God often consist of these questions and asking for answers. Sometimes I wish the answers would fall from the sky and knock me off of my feet, but that would be too easy. I have learned to take each day as it comes and the answers will hopefully be unveiled to me. I continue to ask God for patience and guidance and fully trust that whatever path I am on is his will and I will try to patiently follow and give everyday to him and his goodness and glory.
Meanwhile, the Bears are in the Super bowl and the hype in this city is ridiculous. Everyday there are numerous sections in the newspaper about the bowl and Bears, it is seriously annoying. I must say I can’t help but jump on the bandwagon and root the Bears on though, I don’t think I really have a choice. All I can say is GO BEARS!
Does anyone have any good books they are reading lately? Any recommendation, I would like to start reading books people recommend to me. I am almost done with The Pursuit of Happyness, great book. I have not seen the movie but plan to when it comes out on DVD. Maryann gave me Mitch Albums (sp) new book, For One More Day, I finished it in about a day. It was really good too. Tell me your favorites, I’ll check them out!
Oh some good music artists to check out too, Shawn McDonald, Ally Rogers, Danielle Rose, Ginny Owens. Stacey had introduced me to a few of these artists and a few are my favorites. They are Christian music artists and some of their songs speak to me, they are great. I can’t remember tracks or song names; I am surprised that I can remember the artists’ names actually. One of my all time favorites is “Shelter Your Name” by Danielle Rose, it is beautiful. It is a reminder of God’s love, goodness and Glory. It reminds me to have an open mind and to trust in God always. Check them out though some of the songs have really helped me get through tough times, music moves and speaks to me more than I ever though, it is powerful.
I hope everyone is well. I think about you often and keep you in my thoughts and prayers always. I miss everyone so much especially as the weather reaches negative degrees with wind chill. Why did I choose Chicago again? God only knows! I’m freezing, seriously. I am wearing 2 sweatshirts a long sleeve, undershirt and tank top with a blanket wrapped around me and I still have chills. It is impossible to get warm. I heard it snowed in Malibu though, strange. Send that warm sun this way and remember if you are ever even passing through Chicago please let me know! I will come and give you a quick hug at the airport.
Lots of love, big bear hugs, smooches and never ending blessings to you xoxoxoxoxo